
 The Nhowe Mission Brian Lemons Memorial Hospital was established to provide medical care for the neediest of the needy in Zimbabwe.  Our aim is to show the grace of Christ by ministering to the physical needs of the people.


Construction on the hospital began in 1994 and was completed in 2002.  The Nhowe Mission Brian Lemons Memorial Hospital offers comprehensive care including inpatient and outpatient medical wards, a pediatric ward, a surgical ward, and a maternity ward.

The hospital is responsible for serving approximately 5,000 patients each month.  There are currently two full-time doctors working at the hospital.  A dental hygienist meets the dental needs of the patients, with a dentist visiting once a month to treat the more complex and severe cases.

With 27 buildings included in the hospital complex and over 70 beds, this hospital is fully equipped to meet the needs of rural Zimbabwe.

Specialized Care Clinics:

  • HIV/AIDS:  We receive ARV (antiretroviral) medication, donated by the Gates Foundation and the World Health Organization (WHO) that are successful in controlling AIDS.  Approximately 300-400 patients, who were formerly very ill due to AIDS, are now on long-term ARV treatment.  Most of these individuals have now returned to being productive members of their community.
  • Tuberculosis:  Patients receive medications donated by the World Health Organization to treat this life-threatening disease.  Individuals who receive this treatment can be cured.
  • Obstetrics:  Two birthing are available for the approximate 80 deliveries that occur at the hospital each month.  In addition, the surgery suite enables doctors to perform 5-10 Cesarean Section operations each month.  The Women’s Waiting Shelter is now complete.  Since most women must walk to the hospital as far as 10 miles when they go into labor, this shelter provides near-term patients (1-2 weeks prior to delivery) a place to stay on hospital grounds while they await their delivery.
  • Surgical Building:  The Nhowe Mission Brian Lemons Memorial Hospital houses 2 general surgery suites, with general and local anesthetics used for patients during surgery.  Common surgeries performed at Nhowe Mission include:  Cesarean Section, appendectomy, skin grafts for burns, biopsies, excision for laparotomy for gall bladder and bowel disease.
  • Outpatient Clinic:  Two doctors and four nurse-practitioners see 150-250 patients each day for a wide range of outpatient health issues.



The Nhowe Mission Brian Lemons Memorial Hospital employs high-quality medical professionals, educated and equipped to handle the high volume of medical needs at this rural hospital.  With 2 full-time doctors, 4 nurse-practitioners, 15 full-time nurses, and 60 full-time staff members, the staff is ready and willing to meet the needs of the patients.



The hospital campus houses the following:  27 buildings, 2 general wards (1 containing women’s and pediatrics and the other acting as a male ward), surgical theater, lab, pharmacy, x-ray, kitchen and dining area, laundry, obstetrics, women’s waiting shelter, outpatient exam rooms, administration and offices, morgue, incinerator, 2 doctor’s houses, 2 nurses duplexes, 2 nurse quads, the hospital administrator’s house, and the chaplain’s house.  General hospital workers are provided with housing located 1/2 mile from the hospital campus.



The pharmacy located on the hospital grounds houses approximately 1.5 million dollars worth of medications dispensed per year.  These medications are donated by various organizations such as Heart to Heart International, Kings Pharmaceuticals, MAP InternationalIDA Foundation in Amsterdam, Gates Foundation, and the World Health Organization (WHO).  Over 200 different medications are dispensed to be used for inpatient and outpatient care.



The lab at the Nhowe Mission Brian Lemons Memorial Hospital is a full-service lab, able to complete such testing as CBC, full chemistry panels, thyroid, urine analysis, pregnancy tests, HIV tests, malaria tests, and many other tests done on location.


Hospital Name:

The hospital at Nhowe Mission is named for Brian Lemons, son of Dr. Stephen and Loretta Lemons of Andover, Kansas.  Brian went to the site in 1996 and fell in love with the country and the people.  He planned to return to Zimbabwe as a missionary upon his college graduation.  However, his life on earth was tragically cut short on February 23, 1997, in a car accident, returning to school at York College in York, Nebraska.  Just days after the accident, the Board of Directors at Nhowe Mission renamed the hospital in Brian’s honor.

The hospital project is supervised by the elders at the East Point Church of Christ in Wichita, Kansas through the Mission Committee.  It is managed jointly by East Point and the Board of Directors at Nhowe Mission.  The hospital is not-for-profit, dedicated primarily to indigent care.